
Friday, April 1, 2011

Socks, My Relationship & My Relationship to Socks

Three days later:


  1. Loved this, fantastic.
    My husband loves all knitted stuff except socks - says they make his feet to hot, he hates hot feet.

  2. Hahaha! Ohh, this is so funny. I love your drawings. :D

  3. Sock-knitting intervention!!! :)

    Try playing: make a toddler-sized sock to see how all the parts work. (Hint: it's magic! Magic, I tell you!) Use thicker-than-fingering yarn on relatively large (like 3mm) but not awkwardly long dpns. You'll only have to cast on about 24 stitches and the sock will grow visibly with each row. (The first few rows will look messy - pay no attention!) If a tiny problem should arise? Ripping back and reknitting will mean losing only 5 minutes (instead of 5 hours) of your life. An entire sock "foot" will take about 10 rows - doesn't that make you laugh with glee?

    I never expected to become a sock-knitter, but just one pair for a toddler charity campaign got me started. Now? Well...never mind. I don't want to scare you! ;)

    quinn on ravelry

  4. OhMyBob - love this! How did you know about my relationship with knitted socks? With any socks, for that matter? :)

  5. too funny I felt this way when i made my first scarf

  6. This is perfect! My husband wants a pair of hand knit socks. I'll probably direct him to your post as a reason why I've put them off for 3 years.

  7. I love your post!

    From the Gingerbread Girl x

  8. That is awesome! You had me rolling with this post.

  9. hahaha My hubby has mentioned that same thing - I thought you did this for pleasure and to relax - to me on many occasions!

  10. Haha!! So funny, and well-drawn! You should start a comic strip! ;o) I have never tried to knit socks, but I've considered it lately. I do know that I would inevitably end up frustrated and probably throw my needles across the room though!

    I have a set of my great-grandmother's antique steel "Boye" brand double-pointed needles, and even though I probably shouldn't use them, I am hankering to do so!

  11. Too funny! Yes, this sounds like conversations we've had here, too. I tell my husband, "Yes it is relaxing, damn it. We all relax in our own ways." I count on Soak Wool Wash to get all the curse words out of finished items.

  12. I heard a rumor that it's waaaay more relaxing when you make the socks for yourself. :D

  13. Haha, very funny! Love this!! :D

  14. Fabulous! We've all been there, relaxation as extreme sport, while knitting!

  15. Oh my goodness...HILARIOUS! This needs to be published.

  16. Ah yes, knitted socks. Will you believe that for YEARS I wanted to learn to knit, specifically so I could knit my own socks? Yes, I dreamed of being the kind of wife/mother/homemaker/person who was so clever and so attuned to the ancient arts that she even knitted her own footwear. My feet would be thrilled with handmade socks and I would be able to modestly admit to my friends that why, yes, I knit these darling things on my feet — with appropriately downcast eyes, of course. Have you noticed that people who love to knit socks assure you that once you complete your first pair, you will be hooked for life?

    Ha! I've finished three pairs of socks. They ARE quite warm and cozy. They are basically a pain to make. A pain, I tell you! Do I love to make them? Am I "hooked"? NO, a thousand times, NO!

  17. Have you tried the Toe Up method?
    My Mum swears that socks are way, way easier to knit that way.
    I believe she used the videos on the below link to figure out how to knit them. No pattern required.

  18. Ha ha ha, so funny and true! My partner is the same, he wonders why I knit when sometimes it seems the opposite of relaxing!

  19. I love it! So funny, and oh so true... What a great post.

  20. Haha! What a great post! I love it! And it's so true!

  21. This is priceless. I love how your hair becomes wilder in each panel!
