
Sunday, April 10, 2011

In Every Relationship Communication is Key


  1. Oh I can so relate! I tell my inlaws all the time...if they want me to know something, they have to tell me themselves....

  2. I didn't know that you knew my husband !

  3. Oh now that is awful. My parents could probably relate to that. Me and my siblings are always forgetting to give our parents messages. It drives them insane. We don't mean to do it though, honest

  4. I have the same model, earlier vintage...

  5. More stick lady hijinx. Love it. A comic strip is born. :)

  6. Ok, you need to make the comic strip a regular feature on your blog. :)

  7. LOL I see you've taken a liking to the cartoon format. It suits you!

  8. I can totally relate to this! I found out my niece had been born in a 'Oh by the way' fashion from my husband.

  9. For all of you who think I'm hiding under your stairs/sofa/bed: I am. I've been watching you all and taking notes. All will be revealed in the coming months' comic strips. You and your partners have been warned ...
    Bwoahahhaaa! (= evil laugh)

  10. I didn't know my husband even had any cousins until we'd been married for a year and a half. And that's only because we were invited to spend time with them while visiting with his family. I feel your pain.

  11. Lol! Don't you just love those confusing conversations? ;D I have one at least once a day I think!

    I like your comics too! :)

  12. I'm pretty sure your husband and mine must share DNA of some kind! LOL!

  13. Bah! ha! Ha! That is so true, except for me the person failing to tell me things is my mother!

  14. Wait....are our husbands brothers? Good grief!!! ~Kelly

    unDeniably Domestic

  15. Perhaps the worrying thing about this is that I'm looking at it from the man's point of view, and can't see anything *that* bad about it!

  16. Mat - I like to think I'm allowed a certain artistic licence ... and be utterly sexist and generalize wildly in this kind of post. Except, I get messages and comments from dozens of women who say, "Are you married to my husband?" or "Is my boyfriend cheating on me with you?", which is a bit scary. Either my husband is a very successful con artist (doubtful. He can't even lie when he pretends not to have eaten the last bag of salt'n'vinegar crisps) or this is a predominantly male trait. When my husband read this post, he shrugged and said, "What's the big deal? I mean, I told you, right?"
    Fair enough. He did. Eventually.

  17. OK, I admit I can see that the situation is not ideal....but is so similar to ones I find myself in I had to show it to my wife. She laughed, then groaned. :-~
    I suppose that's the thing with successful observational humour - people can relate to it.
    Anyway, rest assured that you are not alone with your husband 'withholding information' from you - we don't mean to, honest!

    PS. I found your blog via Rachel's; thanks for an enjoyable read!
