
Tuesday, January 4, 2011


That's what I did today. I gathered my stash from the various baskets and bags and hideyholes and nooks and crannies and dumped them all on the bed to sort them out. I tried to keep my husband out for fear of his mockery, but it didn't stop him from coming in to point fingers and laugh at his poor little yarnatic.
"Get out!" I shouted theatrically, "You cannot witness my shame!"
I shut the door behind him but I could hear him snickering on the other side.

Three hours later I have neatly stacked balls of yarn and - this is more important - I actually threw away dozens of scrappy little balls of yarn that I know I won't use. It took me a long time to come to terms with this, but I have I can finally recognise that I don't need to keep every neatly-wound half-inch ball of yarn in every obscure colour. I have also learned that it's okay to throw away yucky yarn - and there is yucky yarn. Like the ball of fuzzy acrylic in the shade 'Dead Cat' or the mucous-green fun fur (both belong firmly in the category What Was I Thinking?)  I don't particularly subscribe to New Year's Resolutions but I think I'll have to be more judicious in my yarn choices in 2011.


  1. Dear Mrs. Gingerbread,
    I like your blog....I have been visiting for a week or so. I, too have yarn balls that I cling on to ...I am a Yarnaholic.....

  2. You have inspired me to now go through my own yarn and sort out all of the "yucky" bits that I have! I have some rainbow colored mohair that I paid good money for, but anytime I try to use it by itself or weave it with another yarn I get laughed at! I myself don't think it looks all that attractive, and when my own sisters give me an "are you mentally sound?" type look and giggle nervously, it's probably a sign that I should trash it. ;) Have fun with all of your yarn!

  3. You are so funny! I can't part with a bit of mine. Although, I think if I had any fun fur, I'd be able to "de-stash" that. Have a great day. Your posts always bring a smile to my face. :-)

  4. AH! you are doing the same as I (I'm new here by the way). Though my method of getting rid of yarn I know won't be used is giving it to my mother for her school's art teacher :) They can do lots of stuff with it. I think they are currently weaving

  5. Over break I cleaned out my 'yarn hole'. This is the spot that used to be my very small dining room that I changed into my crochet room. It has a love seat, a table on either side and a book shelf going down the one wall toward the living room. Anything related crochet goes on in this spot and it needed tidying up a bit. I had many little bits and pieces but I just couldn't bring myself to throw away my 'bits'. They'll have a use later on. :o)
